As part of the Little Dolphins community, every family must participate on a Parent Committee. There are opportunities for everyone to be involved. From documenting fundraiser participation electronically, coordinating room parents, and hosting events, to organizing a parent dance performance at the festival, even the busiest of parents are able to contribute to our program.
The Workshops are a designated time to help prepare (ahead of time) the many art projects that form an essential part of our curriculum. Please do not feel obligated to stay for the entire time. However, your assistance, any time you can provide it, is greatly appreciated. Participation in the Art Workshop is everyone's responsibility and this activity is a wonderful way to understand our philosophy of education and be a part of its process. Parents should plan to participate in the workshops throughout the year.
Every family is invited to attend a morning of school 1-2 times per year with their little one. Families join their child's classroom and bring a tradition, activity, favorite story, or game to share with the class. This is a special opportunity to experience a day in your child's life at Little Dolphins.